1 This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to try out this fab ikiwiki.
10 Do re me fa so la te... git?
12 i see. i see. lalala hmmmmmmmm.
15 [[sandbox]] does that work? yep. yay!
19 Test. Korean. 나는 한국인, 백두산,동해
21 Test. Chinese. 我是中国人,泰山、黄河。
23 testing openid ... ignore.
25 Test. Проверка. Тэстенг. テスト ığüşöçİ ทดสอบ éphémère
27 Testing right-to-left text: (שרה) should be spelled shin (ש) resh (ר) heh (ה) from right to left.
29 Testing it in a comment...
33 Here's another one with *emphasised* text.
35 do ë characters work? Sure.
37 OpenID test. It works!!
39 Hupple hupple hupple hupple snork.
45 There are Polish diacritical characters: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź.
51 > This is a blockquote.
53 > This is the first level of quoting.
55 > > This is nested blockquote.
57 >> And without a space works too.
60 > Back to the first level.
87 [[template id=note text="this is generated by the [[plugins/haiku]] plugin"]]
88 [[haiku hint="sandbox play"]]
92 ## Different sorts of links:
95 * [[different_name_for_a_WikiLink|ikiwiki/WikiLink]]
96 * <http://www.gnu.org/>
97 * [GNU](http://www.gnu.org/)
98 * [Email](mailto:noone@invalid)
99 * [](http://ikiwiki.info)
103 <div class="whatever">
105 Try putting divs around a list doesn't work:
112 span also doesn't work:
114 <span class="whatever">
121 This sandbox is also a [[ikiwiki/blog]]!
123 [[inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]]