1 I have a blog-like page collecting item, that's ok, display is good, rss
2 url is correct. In some of the items, I have another rss. When viewing the
3 item itself, url of the rss is correct. But when viewing the item inside
4 the main page, the basepath of the rss is wrong, thus the url doesn't go
9 (1) a blog-like page which is collecting tag entry :
11 * address of the page : /tag.html
12 * address of the rss : /tag.rss
15 which is containing a rss, listing all the foo-tagged pages.
17 * address of the item : /tag/foo.html
18 * address of the rss : /tag/foo.rss
20 (3) when viewing /tag.html
22 * the rss url inside tag/foo.html is /foo.rss, not /tag/foo.rss
24 Is it a bug or did I miss something ?
27 > two bugs in this area in the unreleased ikiwiki in subversion, one just
28 > now. If you still see the problem using the ikiwiki version in
29 > subversion, it would be helpful if you could post a tarball of your wiki,
30 > or a test case derived from it that I can use to reproduce the problem
33 >> Joey, thank you, it's ok now. (since the version 1.40, AFAIK, maybe earlier)