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Frederik Vanrenterghem [Fri, 14 Sep 2018 11:56:50 +0000 (19:56 +0800)]
Break out ConsumeKafkaMessages function.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 13 Sep 2018 13:32:56 +0000 (21:32 +0800)]
Break out DestroyKafkaConsumer function.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 13 Sep 2018 13:13:42 +0000 (21:13 +0800)]
Break out CreateKafkaConsumer function.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 13 Sep 2018 13:00:11 +0000 (21:00 +0800)]
Use returned base_uri.
Per doco: Because consumers are stateful, any consumer instances created with the REST API are tied to a specific REST proxy instance. A full URL is provided when the instance is created and it should be used to construct any subsequent requests. Failing to use the returned URL for future consumer requests will result in 404 errors because the consumer instance will not be found.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 13 Sep 2018 12:45:00 +0000 (20:45 +0800)]
Start conversion to package.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Sat, 8 Sep 2018 12:24:54 +0000 (20:24 +0800)]
Add comments and variables for clarity.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Sat, 8 Sep 2018 11:44:30 +0000 (19:44 +0800)]
Start ignoring RStudio files - first steps are small.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Sat, 8 Sep 2018 11:23:31 +0000 (19:23 +0800)]
Create 2 plots 2 minutes apart.
* Call function from yet unlinked script to plot and forecast.
* Iterate twice to verify the script works with streaming content.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Sat, 8 Sep 2018 11:18:26 +0000 (19:18 +0800)]
Convert to function.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 6 Sep 2018 13:37:36 +0000 (21:37 +0800)]
Add R consumer for Kafka topic using REST api
Uses Kafka REST Proxy by Confluent.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:30:14 +0000 (21:30 +0800)]
Create forecast.
- Use combined logfile.
- Start by using ARIMA function for forecast.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 23 Aug 2018 11:31:39 +0000 (19:31 +0800)]
Initialise Rproject.
Frederik Vanrenterghem [Thu, 23 Aug 2018 11:28:47 +0000 (19:28 +0800)]
Initiate project.