From: Frederik Vanrenterghem Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:19:36 +0000 (+0800) Subject: Add function documentation and error handling. X-Git-Url: Add function documentation and error handling. Add documentation and basic error handling to CreateKafkaConsumer function. --- diff --git a/R/CreateKafkaConsumer.R b/R/CreateKafkaConsumer.R index cf6edee..71f9f72 100644 --- a/R/CreateKafkaConsumer.R +++ b/R/CreateKafkaConsumer.R @@ -1,3 +1,15 @@ +#' Create Apache Kafka consumer using Confluent's REST Proxy API +#' +#' \code{CreateKafkaConsumer} creates an Apache Kafka consumer using the rest proxy api provided by Confluence. +#' +#' @param The URI of the REST Proxy. Defaults to \url{http://localhost:8082}. +#' @param consumer A chr object with the name for the consumer. +#' @param consumer_instance A chr object with the name for the consumer_instance. +#' +#' @return If the operation succeeds, returns a list with the created consumer instance and its base URI. +#' If the operation fails, the received reply is returned. Use \code{jsonlite::fromJSON(content(response, "text"))} +#' to obtain a list with the error code and message. +#' CreateKafkaConsumer <- function( = "http://localhost:8082", consumer, consumer_instance) { response <- POST(url=paste(kafka_rest_proxy, "consumers", consumer, sep="/"), content_type("application/vnd.kafka.v2+json"), @@ -6,6 +18,7 @@ CreateKafkaConsumer <- function( = "http://localhost:8082", cons consumer_instance, '", "format": "json", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest"}') ) + if(response$status_code!=200) stop(response) else consumerDetails <- fromJSON(content(response, "text")) return(consumerDetails) } \ No newline at end of file