install.packages("sf") library(sf) install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("tidyverse/ggplot2") # needed for geom_sf library(ggplot2) library(viridis) # Obtain the tax dataset if not available yet if(!file.exists("data/taxstats2015individual06ataxablestatusstateterritorypostcode.csv")) download.file(url = "", destfile = "data/taxstats2015individual06ataxablestatusstateterritorypostcode.csv") # # Obtain shapefile with Australian postal codes if not available yet if(!file.exists("data/")) download.file(url = "", destfile = "data/") # Unzip it if not done already if(!file.exists("data/POA_2016_AUST.shp")) unzip(zipfile = "data/", exdir = "data/") taxstats <- read.csv("data/taxstats2015individual06ataxablestatusstateterritorypostcode.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) taxstats <- dplyr::filter(taxstats, Taxable.status == "Taxable") POA <- st_read(dsn = "data/", layer = "POA_2016_AUST", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) taxstats.POA <- merge(x = taxstats, y = POA, by.x = "Postcode", by.y = "POA_CODE16", all.y = TRUE) taxstats.POA$incomeperearningcapita <- taxstats.POA$`Total.Income.or.Loss..` / taxstats.POA$ # Postal codes turn out not to be too interesting, as they're way more granular around # big cities - making the high income postal codes invisible on the chart below ggplot(taxstats.POA) + geom_sf(aes(fill = incomeperearningcapita, color = incomeperearningcapita)) + scale_fill_viridis("incomeperearningcapita") + scale_color_viridis("incomeperearningcapita")